About yours truly and the site....

What is VanillaAfro.com all about?

First of all this web site will most likely not be a blog I'm not going to let you know when I have to pick belly button lint out and what I did at 9:36 a.m. yesterday morning and by the way people that do that need to be shot multiple times, we're talking Bernard Goetz type shit. No, this web site is going to be meaty stuff that happens in my life or funny things I've come across and hopefully people will get some kind of laugh or benefit out of it.  What possible benefit could you get about reading about me or my Vanilla Afro? Only time will tell. As I've been writing this opening paragraph I've put some links above, and instead of generically linking to things outside the site I thought I'd rather force myself to write about the different things and thought maybe this would be interesting for people who came to the site and also force me to create more pages and content for the site. If you are basically reading this crap without the links than you probably already left the site...

Origin of the Vanilla Afro

The origin of the Vanilla afro is very mysterious, both of my parents have straight hair, not afros, let alone a vanilla afro. One clue was left by a nearby uncle who had curly hair, but it's not vanilla, and he's just a mere uncle.  Also, there are no black people on either side of my family, so no African-Americans in sight too, who knows. So there's not a really good explanation, and like many great things, Stonehenge being one of them, the Vanilla Afro is an unknown wonder of the world, possibly the 8th wonder of the world that is seldom mentioned with its seven previous wonders, or possibly a 9th wonder of the world since all those people use the cliche, for the 8th wonder. The Vanilla Afro is not a cliche, at least not a cliche you hear a lot about.

About me

I'm a 27 (June 3rd!) year old guy going on 21, I will be posting some pictures of myself eventually. I'm more concerned with making fun of other people and getting done the above link pages first. Basically I enjoy the stuff you see at the top, music, poker, computers and of course hanging out with my good friends, Lono and Cassidy as well as Shields, Smitty, Denofa, Gutberlet and Franny Mac (AKA Frandingo AKA King of Temple) and family who are above this web site!

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