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PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2007 10:21 pm    Post subject: LOL

PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 8:52 am    Post subject: my beautifull kids

I know with your movie star/teen dream, good looks,it is hard for you to understand my trials and tribulations at the pursuit of female pleasure but belive me it isn't easy for me...You see as a black man with the penis of a Asian boy Im constantly ridiculed....White woman looking for JUNGLE FEVER see my 2 inch heat seeking moisture missle and laugh...As a 6ft power foward with a 4 inch vertical I again embarrass my race as Im either the 9th or 10th person picked at weekly pickup games depending on wether KP shows up or not...My running out of infield grounders in my 1988 parachute sweatpants is yet another blackeye on my resume...While good looking guys like you can go to clubs--tittie bars--race tracks to pick-up women I am at the mercy of carnivals,circus's,mental institutions and the occassional stray homeless girl...While these one legged,bearded,helmet wearing drooling messes are my bounty I still somehow manage to disapoint even them... So please be kind and realize not everyone has it as easy as you and that 1980's pussy magnet Johnny G...
PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 3:10 am    Post subject: It wasn't pretty... But a Win is a Win!

Today's playoff series victory was very eerily similar to Quinny’s one night stand with the infamous Jardel Jack. They were both very ugly & even a touch retarded at times. But, they both got the job done somehow. We somehow advanced to the next round of the playoffs without putting together a single game of quality team hitting just like how Quinny somehow managed to get his nut off to a transsexual mentally-challenged dude named Jack (not Fat Jack for those of you who don’t know who I am talking about. Although, from the looks of this “chick” [and I use that term about as loose as the can of mayonnaise that Jack calls her or his surgically implanted vagina,] he probably could blow his load to Fat Jack just the same!) I am just playing Quinny. You know I love you. Jack really was a pretty girl!!! I’m sure your children will be beautiful!

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