You be the Judge......



Origin of the name (not too interesting)

People call me Frank The Tank for obvious reasons, I look like Will Ferrell and on occasion act like him. I first got the nickname shortly after the movie Old School.  The movie was/is popular with people everywhere and I think but am not totally sure that the first person to call me it was my friend Franny Mac at Temple. Me and Franny used to go down to Temple University while he was still going to school in his Senior year and go to various parties etc raising hell, well mostly just drinking and having a good time. And by the end of his senior year everyone thought my real name was Frank.  Later I even bought a "Frank the Tank" t-shirt, but I'm too fat for it, how ironic is it that a Frank the tank t-shirt is too small ? That's about it to that nickname but I do have a good story to tell about one night at Temple that neither me or Franny will ever forget

It was a cold cold night and all that was stirring....(very interesting)

was a party with a bunch of weird Temple students we didn't know. But that didn't stop me and Franny from sneaking into the party and totally not even fitting in at all.  At first the party seemed weird but it looked like we were going to just hang out and drink maybe a few beers, then things got a little bit too interesting. We heard some hollering coming out of one of the bedrooms and we were curious as to what was going on like any young lad would be. Low and behold we found about 8-10 maybe more or maybe less Temple students gathered around a bed where two girls were making out, now I ain't gonna lie to you, they were not nude, and they weren't the two best looking girls at Temple, but how many times besides Cinemax at 3:30 in the morning do you get to see 2 chicks making out? (That should be a thought of the day).  So instead of just watching things like any sober man would do, I decided that it would be a good idea to walk over to the bed and get a closer look. Then after maybe one or two \"get aways!\" or \"get outs!!\" from one of the young ladies, I decided that  it would be an even better idea to ask the two girls if I could join in; especially after getting a great laugh from the crowd.  Well the response to this wasn't that great either, I think there might of been some yelling involved, well that didn't stop me, I asked again, I think I might of added a "Please can I". And no sooner did I get "can I" out of my mouth did the butchier of the two girls, definitely not the lipstick lesbian of the 2 give me a slap that could probably be heard in fregin Center City.  After this big slap I sat on the bed in shock for about 3-5 seconds...then got up startled and said, "I guess the answer is no".  Well me and Franny of course got up and left the room, and thought things might be over, I mean I already got the slap of my life and the right side of my face looked like I took a belt to the face about 10 times. But it wasn't over yet....About a half hour later I decided I had to go to the bathroom, well I went over to the bathroom and as I was peeing I heard a loud thump, followed by several smaller ones then an even louder one. I then turned out of the bathroom..waded my way through a bunch of long haired hippies to see what happened.  Well, as I got out of the crowd I saw Franny at the bottom of the steps. At first I thought he was joking because he was saying something about that stupid bitch and I couldn't tell if he was in pain or laughing (very weird), and then after about 10 seconds I realized that he wasn't joking. That some girl, most likely one of those crazed dikes, pushed Franny down the stairs and he fell with such force that he was very lucky that he didn't break his neck (that horrible wench).  Supposedly Franny spilled his beer on her and that's why she pushed him. And We're still not sure if it was even the same girl who was doing the lesbo shit before. Anyway, Franny was writhing in pain and we had to get him out of the house and to a hospital pronto.  But the tough man Franny is, he wouldn't go to the hospital, so me and some nice guy at the party settled for taking him home to his apartment. He was walking ok for just falling down a flight of stairs (ouch), and was lucky in the fact that he only bruised his hip really bad. Well to make things even weirder, his roommate took a look at him and said "we need to get you to the hospital", so his roommate and her boyfriend forced him to go (they had to of because we tried and tried and it wasn't happening). When he finally got admitted to a hospital room, he didn't even wait for the doctors, he escaped from Alcatraz, right down the hall out of the hospital into the middle of North Philadelphia (not the greatest area to be at 3am with a bad hip).  And correct me if I'm wrong on this one Franny Mac, but I'm pretty sure you ended up taking the Broad Street bus the wrong way into Lasalle territory and had to get off that bus with a bad hip in the snow and take the bus going the right way! All and all a great night to remember on Temple campus (LOL...).

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